Understanding ADHD helps!
Facts about symptoms, treatment, strengths, daily life...

ADHD 101 - based on current science
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder or difference
It tends to run in families
The ADHD brain has trouble with
hyperactivity or restlessness
emotional regulation
Depending on which symptoms are most prevalent, ADHD is classified as
mainly inattentive (formerly sometimes called ADD)
mainly hyperactive type (very rare)
the term ADD is no longer used clinically or scientifically but still used by many colloquially for all types of ADHD
Difficulties generally persist into adulthood and may range from mild to severe, leading (on average) to a reduced quality of life and life expectancy for people with ADHD
The standard of care is generally multi-modal, meaning that different interventions from different professionals are combined to improve the quality of life of the person with ADHD.
Common treatments and interventions are:​
medication (prescribed and monitored by physicians, optimally by a specialized psychiatrist)
psychoeducation (a fancy term for "learning about your ADHD" - part of ADHD coaching)
cognitive behavioral therapy (optimally by a therapist specialized in ADHD)
ADHD coaching
ADHD coaching is recommended in the European guidelines on adult ADHD and there are, surprisingly, even research studies showing a positive impact of ADHD coaching. Why is this surprising? Such research is rarely funded.
ADHD coaching is often a good addition to or may even be a replacement for psychotherapy. Of course, speak with your psychiatrist or other treating physician before making any changes to your psychotherapy.
How adhd shows up in daily life - symptoms
As mentioned above, ADHD often persists into adulthood. Unfortunately, it's often diagnosed far too late, especially in middle-aged and older women. The same is the case for people with the mainly inattentive type (formerly sometimes called ADD). Put differently, in all those who don't fit the image of the "wild and unruly boy".
ADHD affects our daily life in varied and often paradoxical ways, for example:
some difficult things are easy, but some simple things are incredibly difficult
disorganization, chaos, disorder
losing things
difficulty concentrating on boring tasks
being so deeply focused on interesting tasks that we can't get away from them (hyperfocus)
trouble studying
not managing to get things done on time
always being late (or way too early)
emotional sensitivity
intense but short-lasting mood swings
strong focus on the negative, brooding, rumination
outbursts of anger/tantrums
relationship problems
problems in relationships with significant others and sexuality
approach-avoidance conflicts in close relationships
inconsistency, fibbing and lying
shame and low self-esteem
various hypersensitivities
if you're a woman with ADHD, your hormones can strongly influence your ADHD symptoms
no or poor sense of time
and endless other issues
So, are you affected and recognize some of these symptoms in yourself? Or in your loved ones or even your co-workers? Understanding ADHD helps!
Are you ready for an easier life with ADHD? ADHD coaching works.
By the way, I also coach family members and employers....
Common ADHD strengths
Many people with ADHD have unique strengths, real superpowers, for example:
divergent or out-of-the-box thinking
big-picture thinking
high energy
wide-ranging interests
adventurous spirit
entrepreneurial spirit
openness to new experiences and people
sensitivity (yes I know, this can also be annoying and it can also happen that we are completely emotionally blind, which can be very stressful for those around us)
the resilience to get up again and again, no matter how many times life has knocked us down - we've had lots of practice ;-)
and countless more strengths...
Updated European Consensus Statement on diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD
Kooij JJS, et al. Eur Psychiatry. 2019 Feb doi: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2018.11.001
Faraone SV, et al. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2021 Sep doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.01.022
Efficacy of ADHD coaching for adults with ADHD
Kubik JA. J Atten Disord. 2010 Mar doi: 10.1177/1087054708329960.
An Empirical Evaluation of ADHD Coaching in College Students
Prevatt F, Yelland S. J Atten Disord. 2015 Aug doi: 10.1177/1087054713480036.